About Tammy Billups

Tammy is an international authority and spiritual guide on the extraordinary animal-human sacred soul partnership. She's a certified Interface Therapist (Bioenergetics), author, and healer to the healers. And she's a pioneer and global educator on the animal-human healing relationship, with three award winning books on the subject, and three proprietary masterclass courses based on findings garnered from the thousands of sessions she's facilitated.
Tammy is also the creator of the ground-breaking healing modality: animal-human Tandem Healings, created to enhance and expedite the healing journeys for both beings simultaneously.
Tammy's strongly intuitive, method transcending way of working with her clients has been described as experiencing soul dialysis. Her work is characterized by great depth, and transformational power. She is known for the compassion that she brings to her work, whether it’s a healing session with a person or an animal, or an animal-human Tandem Healing session.
Tammy has the uncanny ability to tap into the core
of the issue and bring it front and center for healing.
-Barbara McKinney, Ed.D

Tammy's approach...

Tammy’s approach to personal transformation is holistic, focusing on each client as a unique being of body, mind and spirit.
She serves as a facilitator in each client's healing journey
as a committed and compassionate partner.
She creates a safe and confidential space for each client, and has learned through her personal experience, and the thousands of sessions she’s facilitated, that bioenergetic healing can be life-changing for the body, mind and spirit.
Her work identifying and healing the five core emotional wounds of animals is unparalleled. She documented her findings on animals’ emotional wounds in her first book, 2020 COVR Visionary Gold Award Winner, Soul Healing with Our Animal Companions, and has also created learning modules on the topic for animal lovers, animal rescue volunteers and animal practitioners.
Her newest book titled Your Animal - Your Soul Mirror, Healing the Emotional Wounds of Animals and Their People expounds in greater detail about the emotional wound patterns and will be released on 9.9.2025.
Animal Soul Contracts, released in 2020, won a 2021 COVR Visionary Gold Award, and has been widely received for covering uncharted ground. She created the popular Masterclass titled, Animal-Human Sacred Soul Contracts, based on the contents of the book.
Tammy’s discoveries and findings on the soul contracts between animals and their humans, and healing animals’ emotional wounds were featured on many global summits over the years. These are virtual learning experiences led by experts in the field.
Tammy's third award winning book, Animal Wayshowers - The Lightworkers Ushering in 5D Consciousness, is now available! The book and the new masterclass with the same name have received rave reviews!

This was my first healing session done at a distance, and I was truly amazed to feel
Tammy's healing energy so powerfully.
-Shawna Butson-Brodie, LMBT, CST, BS Ed.
And there's more...
Tammy’s been featured on a plethora of podcasts, global summits, radio shows, and television.
She's facilitated thousands of sessions on both people and animals. Taking what she observed and learned during the sessions, Tammy wrote three books filled with proprietary information about the multi-dimensional relationship we share with our animal companions.
Tammy has produced many guided meditations with the intention of expediting radical transformation for all beings available for FREE on the meditation app, Insight Timer, and on her YouTube channel..
She's been facilitating workshops and webinars on the emotional connection between animal lovers and their pets since 2009, and created three masterclass courses based on her findings discovered in the heart of the animals and people she's worked with over the years.
Tammy has donated 1000+ animal healing sessions to no-kill rescue organizations.
And, she's also an ordained Inter-Faith Minister.

the healer's journey
Tammy's cat companions, Bodhi & Rumi
The Backstory
At the turn of the millennium, Tammy was the epitome of American success — a successful top biller and Sr. Partner for a nationwide recruiting firm. Then her life dramatically shifted due to several losses near and dear to her heart occurring within several months time.
Intuitive gifts and childhood memories she had long repressed resurfaced which set in motion a deep inner healing journey and new path in life.
In the midst of it all emerged Tammy’s now widely celebrated energetic healing abilities and gifts. After receiving her first energy therapy healing session, which produced immediate results, Tammy spontaneously realized her life’s purpose.
Through this gentle healing method she saw remarkable results with her body, emotions and behavior. Her many physical issues, including a heart defect, asthma, allergies, gall stones, chronic sinus infections, endometriosis, and more, were miraculously gone. Daily medications were no longer needed as she embraced an overall healthier lifestyle.
Tammy’s mastery of healing through the subtle energy field was propelled forward by her natural gifts for experiencing energy, and her personal healing journey. She began working with individuals and animals in 2001, utilizing her highly intuitive healing gifts that were honed through training at The Center for Integrative Therapy.
She lives in a suburb of Atlanta, GA with her two feline companions, adopted from Good Mews Animal Foundation.
Follow Bodhi and Rumi's antics on their Instagram page.