Anyone who has opened their heart to an animal already knows the bond goes beyond what is said and done between each other. There is an unspoken connection….a knowing between the two of you. I call this knowing soul talk.
Over the years I have come to realize through my work with people and animals that the soul connection we have with them shows up in a multitude of ways. Many times, they are trying to communicate with us, but the message goes under the radar or undercover. This is because our awareness or consciousness level isn’t quite up to speed yet on interpreting these ingenious forms of communication.
At a soul level we are attracted to those who are wired the same way…and have similar wounds to heal. Making a conscious intention with the animals in your life to feel the soul link will help you begin to identify their messages more easily.
They mirror us in many ways. Sometimes it’s our personalities and at other times it is our unconscious wounds that need to be healed. Animals are very sensitive and are natural healers. Their energy fields can be very large and often they don’t have strong boundaries. This is why they will respond to the slightest sound or shift in energy in their environment, or within others.
They intuitively sense the feelings and moods of the people around them. It might seem obvious that when we show up at the barn or home and aren’t in a grounded, calm space that the animals will pick up on that. But they are so highly intuitive they will also let you know when you’re pushing down your emotions. You might think you’re all calm on the outside, but animals are in tune to your energy at deeper levels. And if they seem jumpy or out of sorts for “no reason” they are gifting you with a little soul talk to raise your awareness around something going on within you.
The behaviors, ailments and actions of your animal companions are tools to assist you to not only better understand them, but to also help you to heal, feel, and love at deeper levels.
So what can you do to enhance your level of consciousness with your animal companions?
1) Make an intention to come into alignment to receive the gifts embedded in every experience with your animal.
2) Interact with your animals instead of reacting to what they are exhibiting. This means get into your observer mode by pulling back your energy to seek the higher purpose of their actions and issues.
3) When you are in the land of ambiguity and trying to achieve clarity with any subject regarding your animals, utilize your established heart connection for guidance. You’ll get a strong feeling that a certain decision is right because you’ll feel it through your heart connection.
4) Trust the divine timing as to when you will receive clarity on their behalf. There is a natural inclination for humans to figure something out so they will know the answer. The souls of animals and humans have not incarnated together to figure things out while they are together. They are bravely here to feel them out, through every experience and interaction by way of their heart connection.
5) It’s no big secret that when you feel better, your animal feels better. Your companions can feel and absorb how you treat yourself, so being kind and compassion to yourself is crucial for your mutual health.
Ultimately, each being is the composer of their brilliantly choreographed life. The relationships you have with your animal companions are undoubtably a big part of your plan. And isn’t it wonderful to know that these amazing and divine light beams are your copilots along the way?
Your sacred soul collaborators, aka your beloved animal companions, will be celebrating each and every one of your milestones no matter what happens. Know that they are so very blessed to be with you.
Thank you for your love of animals and may the gifts from each of your experiences with them reveal themselves in gentle and loving ways!