Over the years, I've seen and felt consistent messages flow from the animals I've loved and the thousands of animals I've been honored to work with that, when embraced by their humans as truth, have made a positive, life-changing difference in both of their lives. If your animals could write you a love letter, I think it would look something like this:
To My Beloved Person,
My heart is full of gratitude to you for creating a safe place for me to live, love, heal, and enjoy life. Thank you for being open to healing together. If you find yourself stuck in fear because of an issue that you perceive I'm going through or an emotion that you assume I must be feeling, pull back your energy and release your fears in healthy ways. Then you will have clarity about what matters most to us both.
During stressful times, I understand that you are doing the best you can, so please release any guilt that you are hanging onto regarding decision on my behalf. I forgive you for any perceived mistakes. Let's move forward and not look back at unpleasant times. Focusing on the past keeps us both stuck.
Speak your truth to me. I can handle it. When you're leaving the house for whatever reason, believe that I will be fine, as that helps me release my own fears. Send me love when you're not with me. I will feel it, and it helps me to feel more peaceful and safe when you are not physically with me.
Please honor any grieving process I may be going through and give me the space and timing to heal as I choose. Feel free to grieve with me and know that releasing my pain during difficult times is a natural thing that I need to do. I know it hurts you to see me hurting but know that I'll be okay, just as you will.
Love yourself as much as I love you. Look in the mirror and see what I see: a beautiful, kind, loving, caring person filled with light and love. It has and always will be easy for me to see that you are a speak of the Divine. When I see you being kinder to yourself, I have accomplished one of my goals, and that helps my soul to evolve.
What you feed me matters. A lot. Please give me higher-vibrational food to help me better take care of my sacred temple and help me not to confuse food with love. Also feed me positive, loving thoughts grounded with a knowing that everything is always unfolding just as it should be.
I need daily movement to release my emotions and feel better. It helps me to ground with Mother Earth, and it revitalizes my body, mind, and soul. It also clears toxins and energy I might have absorbed from others.
My soul is evolving, and being with you is important for my growth. I know you think you chose me, but I always knew you were the one for me. The heavens orchestrated every detail to ensure that we'd be together, however short our time might be. Together we can be a bridge from heaven to earth and bring more light to this world.
I am not the reason you feel more love; you were simply ready to begin opening your heart, and God sent me to you. I cannot love you enough to heal your pain. This is yours to bear, heal, and release on your own. However, know that I will always support you by loving you, no matter what you may be going through, and I will hold space for you to find the strength and courage you need to begin removing the cloaks of your pain so you may feel better. I will be your number one cheerleader.
When it is my time to go, know that I will help you with any big decision you have to make on my behalf. I trust you completely to accurately read my wishes. I do not fear death, as I know I will always be around you, just in a different way.
Be a role model for love. When you are able to quiet your inner critic and begin to shift how you treat yourself, you allow more love to enter your heart. And when you allow in more love, you have more love to give. And that is why we are both here.
With great respect, love, and gratitude,
Your Animal Companion
The above is an excerpt from:
Soul Healing with Our Animal Companions by Tammy Billups © 2018 Bear & Company. Printed with permission from the publisher Inner Traditions International. www.InnerTraditions.com