As I sat in my meditation chair this morning thinking about a message to share with you I decided to close my eyes and tap into nature and ask if there were any messages prevalent for those who will be reading this email. Instantaneously a woodpecker landed on the side of a tree just outside the window and began pecking a tree. Then it moved to the exterior of my fireplace and really made itself known...almost as if she was confirming the importance of the message.
Woodpeckers symbolize a need to drum up some new changes and rhythms into your life. Surely this is the bird of the times right now for everyone! For we are all in the throes of finding a new rhythm in our lives. Woodpecker arrives with just the right medicine to remind us of the importance of finding our own unique rhythms and to do what best works for each us in the manner we feel internally guided. She also typically shows up when the coast is clear... and it is safe to find and follow our own rhythms. Change is here and there is help along the way.
Think about the way that woodpeckers fly from one tree to another. It is unique compared to all other birds as they go up and down versus flying horizontally. This is the time for you to give yourself permission to embrace the unique way you navigate your way in the world and accept yourself at new levels.
Your presence in holding space for the collective consciousness is important. You can trust that you are making a positive difference during this time. Seek the beauty in everything and you will expand your capacity to love. There truly is beauty everywhere, and today we find that in the red-bellied woodpecker.