Animal-Human Tandem Healings

A new paradigm
of healing is here!

Tammy developed her signature healing modality,Tandem Healings™,
to accelerate your mutual growth, transformation and evolution.
Animal lovers get ready for a dramatic shift! Tammy Billups, inventor of the ground-breaking Tandem Healings™, was astonished at the extraordinary results of the tandem healing case studies she conducted years ago. They revealed that pets and their people healed faster, and with longer-lasting results, when she connected with them both during the same healing session. (Utilizing a technique she developed and refined.)
If you are on a conscious journey and awake to the healing gifts your animal companions provide, you can choose to actively participate and utilize the transformative power of your relationship with your animal to shift long-standing negative patterns and undesired behaviors ... even physical issues, via Tandem Healings™.
These revolutionary healing sessions go deeper into the reasons you've teamed up with your animal. At a soul level, you and your animal agreed to come together to create a mutually beneficial healing partnership. And Tandem Healings™ are the perfect solution for you to activate your soul healing contracts and evolve alongside of your beloved animal.
Tandem Healing Video Testimonial from Donna (and her horse, Rylee)
Tandem Healing Session
Tandem Healings™ are a wonderful option for animal lovers who want to:
Explore and embody the healing soul contracts you have with your animal companion
Take a deeper dive into your shared unresolved emotional wounds you have teamed up to heal with your animal. (i.e. abandonment, betrayal,or invasiveness)
Lighten your emotional load (for you both)
Delve more intimately into the reason(s) you are together
Heal a negative behavior that your animal is exhibiting which, in turn, is triggering you emotionally (i.e. separation anxiety, or inappropriate elimination)
Release grief after the loss of a family member
Accelerate healing of physical issues
Enhance and strengthen your soul connection with your animal
Each session expedites the healing of the emotional wounds you came together to heal, and address any additional soul agreements that you are both ready to reveal.
Tandem Healings™ are conducted remotely (via phone) and can be facilitated virtually anywhere.

During the session, Tammy energetically connects to you and your animal simultaneously. You’ll find Tammy to be a compassionate and committed partner for your inner-healing journey. Her practice is rooted in professional integrity and confidentiality as she holds sacred space for her clients to heal and hold more light.
Tammy shares the origination of Tandem Healings™
Nothing gets me more excited than the thought of animals and humans suffering less and loving more.
We learn as we go. I’ve facilitated thousands of human and animal healings . . . separately. After learning that animals' issues mirror their human companions' emotional issues — for example, a beloved animal's neediness, or separation anxiety, often reflects their human's unresolved codependency (rooted in an unresolved abandonment wound)— I wondered if simultaneous healings would accelerate the healing of both animal and human.
So I set up a test involving over a hundred animal-human case studies, and, in short, the answer is unequivocally "Yes, Yes, Yes!”
Some of these extraordinary case studies are documented in my book, Animal Soul Contracts. Each animal-human pairing signed up for four sessions to be completed within 4-6 weeks for a deeper dive into their shared unresolved emotional wounds.
Here's the key: You and animal companions entered this life with binding soul contracts — you will help each other heal more expeditiously when working together consciously.
And this is part of my special gift for which I am eternally grateful; during Tandem Healing sessions, I frequently see and feel your soul and the souls of your animal friends communicating about your past lives, your past love, and how you both agreed to join forces again in this life to grow beyond old wounds.
We really are spiritual beings having a physical experience. And every animal we love really are, in essence, our soul evolutionary partner.

“Jet and I are working through some deep issues around abandonment thanks to Tammy’s amazing, insightful tandem healing work. Thank you for your generous heart and dedication to helping people and their animal companions find peace!”
-Jody Kraner & Jet-

"Sammie, was super codependent and clingy with me, and he exhibited separation anxiety when I tried to leave without him. After each Tandem Healing™ session, I felt this sense of calmness and a general feeling of peace. And the good news is that with each session, Sammie grew more independent and self-assured. Sammie has now healed the abandonment wound that created his neediness! I highly recommend Tammy’s healing sessions for you and your animal.”
-Rick Williams & Sammie-
"I love my kitties and desperately wanted them to get along with each other. Tammy was incredible at helping us see the pattern that Devin was re-creating that mimicked the bullying I had experienced growing up from my oldest brother. We were able to work on this pattern to bring a positive shift in the household dynamic. ”
-Rebecca and Devin Kirson-

“Receiving Tandem Healings™ has truly transformed my relationship with my four-legged angels. "
-Amanda, Samba and Chaiya Holden-
Pricing for Tandem Healing Sessions

Animal-Human Tandem Healing Session
Open the door for healing and restoration in a deep, intuitive healing session.
Animal-Human Tandem Healing Session $222 (60-70 mins.)
3-Pack of Animal-Human Tandem Healing Sessions* $590
* Must be paid in full when first session is scheduled, and used within four months
from the date of the first session or the sessions will be forfeited.
All services are conducted remotely via phone for U.S. residents, or Zoom (audio only) for those outside of the U.S.
There is a 24-hour cancellation policy required for all appointments.
Energy Healing is not a substitute for appropriate medical care.